Friday 18 December 2015

Production of Contents Page

I have designed and produced a contents page for my magazine. I have taken my own photographs and featured them on my page. I have used a range of typical conventions for my contents page in order to make it look professional.
To begin with, I have inserted deep purple shapes in order to structure my contents page on. I also inserted a large banner of the same colour in order to highlight the white writing on top. This white writing is the magazine logo and the page title. This also sets the overall theme for this page which matches with the rock genre.
Next, I added in details such as article titles and page numbers alongside these. I also added small details such as the 'Features' title, 'Band Index' title and the issue number. These details are typical conventions of a contents page and informs the reader of what is included in this magazine.
Next I added even more detail to my contents page. For each article title I added in small details which gives the reader an indication of what the article is actually about and what it features. I have also added in writing for the box at the bottom left of the page which informs the reader of a chance of winning tickets. This relates to my target audience as my primary audience is aimed towards those who are into rock music. I have also added bands into the band index to inform the reader of which bands are included.
Afterwards, I added a range of photographs in which I have taken myself. I feel these photographs are of a high quality and match with the genre of my magazine perfectly. My target audience will enjoy these images and will inform them of what artists are included. This is another typical convention of music magazines.
Finally, I added smaller details such as extra page numbers for the images and small tweaks to ensure my contents page was of a high standard.

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